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Examination System


Examinations are of two kinds:

1. Class Examinations
2. University Examinations

1. Class Examinations

First Year M.B.B.S
There will be send up examination in the subjects of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry. Failed students will not be allowed to sit in the University Examination if they fail in any of he subject in the send up examination.

Second Year M.B.B.S.
There will be send up examination in the subjects of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry. Failed students will not be allowed to sit in the University Examination if they fail in any of he subject in the send up examination.

Third Year M.B.B.S.
There will be send up examination. The subjects will be:
a. Pharmacology and Therapeutics
b. General Pathology
c. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
d. Clinical Methods in Surgery
e. Clinical Methods in Medicine
All subjects will be compulsory for the purpose of examination but only those students will be detained from appearing in the university examination who fail in either of the first three subjects.

Fourth Year M.B.B.S
There will be send up examination in the following subjects:
a. Special Pathology
b. Community Medicine
c. Medicine
d. Surgery
e. Obstetrics & Gynecology
f.  Eye
g. E.N.T
The students will be allowed to sit in the University Examination only if they clear at least first two subject.

Final Year M.B.B.S
The send up examination will be conducted in the following subjects:
a. Medicine etc.
b. Surgery etc.
c. Obstetrics & Gynecology
f. Pediatrics
The student will be allowed to appear in the University Examination only if they pass all the subjects.
Pass percentage would be 33% in send up examination.

Note:-         (a) During the clinical years, the progress of the students will be judged from the remarks of the respective professor on the Clinical Record Cards which are issued during third, fourth and final year. Those students, whose cards show unsatisfactory work during any of their clinical assignments, will be detained from appearing in the final professional examination of the university.  

          (b) A duplicate record of Clinical Card of each student will be kept in the Office of the concerned professor. 

                 (c). These examinations shall be compulsory for students of all classes. Students who do not appear or fail in the examination will be regarded as students whose courses of instructions are incomplete and unsatisfactory and will not be allowed to appear in the University Professional M.B.B.S. Examination for promotion to the next higher class and may also loose the scholarship, if any, granted to them.  

                 (d) Remanded students will not be detained from the university examination if they have fulfilled the required percentage of attendance and have satisfactory report from the respective professor for their work during the terms, in question.

                   (e) Certificate of Honor is awarded to the student who obtains 75 percent or more marks in a subject of class examination of the year, provided he/she does not get less than 33 percent marks in other subjects of the same examination.

2. University Examinations

Following are the university examinations rules & regulations according to the University of Health Sciences:

-  First Professional M.B.B.S. Part-I Examination held at the end of first year.
Note: Any student who fails to clear the First Professional M.B.B.S Part-I examination in three chances availed or un-availed after becoming eligible for each examination shall cease to become eligible for further medical education in Pakistan.

-  First Professional M.B.B.S. Part-II Examination held at the end of second year.
Note: Any student who fails to clear the First Professional M.B.B.S. Part-II examination in three chances availed or un-availed after becoming eligible for each examination shall cease to become eligible for further medical education in Pakistan.

-  Second Professional M.B.B.S. Examination held at the end of third year.

-  Third Professional M.B.B.S. Examination held at the end of fourth year.

-  Final Professional M.B.B.S. Examination held at the end of fifth year.

-  Pass marks for professional examinations are 50% separately in theory and practical of each subject. In the clinical subjects of Final Professional, 50% of marks for clinical part separately are essential to pass in practical.

-  In case a student fails to pass the Professional M.B.B.S Examination in the second annual examination his provisional promotion to the next higher class shall stand automatically cancelled and he/she shall revert to the previous class and the lectures and practical etc. attended during his/her provisional promotion shall also stand cancelled.

-  If a student appears in the second annual examination for the first time as he/she did not appear in the first annual examination and failed in any subject in the second annual examination, he/she will be detained in the same class and will not be promoted to the next class.

-  The Principal reserves the right to detain any student from appearing in the Professional M.B.B.S University Examination at any stage, if in his opinion, the student is found to be short of attendance in theory or practical or any subject or his work is reported to be unsatisfactory by any professor, lecturer or if in the opinion of the Principal, the character and conduct of the student is unsatisfactory.

-  According to University regulations, candidates having less than 75% attendance in lectures and practical of each subject of a professional examination will not be admitted to that examination.

-  Before appearing in the University Examination the students will be required to produce No Dues Chit form the contractor of college and hostel tuck shops, college cashier, college librarian and hostel warden. Those students who are unable to produce the same will be liable to be detained by Principal from appearing in the university professional examination.

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  Last updated on: January, 2009

Project Incharge: Dr. Shahzad Hussain Qadri (Assistant Professor ENT)

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