1. The rules and regulations contained in this prospectus are approved
by the Government of the Punjab. The prospectus is revised on yearly
basis to update the changes.
2. This prospectus is issued for the Session 2009-10 and is applicable
to all candidates desirous of admission and those who are already
studying / admitted in public sector Medical/Dental Institutions of the
Punjab. All candidates must study the prospectus before applying for
admission. The candidates and students are required to read, know and
abide by the rules and regulations mentioned in the prospectus.
Ignorance of rules and regulations shall not be considered as an excuse
under any circumstances at any stage.
3. Only those candidates who have passed the compulsary Entrance
Test conducted by the University of Health Sciences, Lahore shall be
considered eligible for admission to Public/Private Sector
Medical/Dental Institutions of the Punjab. However, University of Health
Sciences Lahore will display the merit/selection list of only those
candidates who are to be admitted in public sector medical and dental
institutions of the province.
4. The admisssion policy contained in the prospectus shall be applicable to all Medical and Dental Institutions under the administrative control of the Government of the Punjab namely:
i. King Edward Medical University (KEMU), Lahore.
ii. Allama Iqbal Medical College (AIMC), Lahore.
iii. Fatima Jinnah Medical College (FJMC), Lahore.
iv. Services Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS), Lahore.
V. Nishtar Medical College (NMC), Multan.
vi. Punjab Medical College (PMC), Faisalabad.
vii. Rawalpindi Medical College (RMC), Rawalpindi.
viii. Quaid-e-Azam Medical College (QAMC), Bahawalpur.
ix. Sheikh Zayed Medical College (SZMC), Rahim Yar Khan.
x. Sarghoda Medical College (SMC), University of Sarghoda.
xi. Nawaz Sharif Medical College (NSMC), University of Gujrat.
xii. de'Montmorency College of Dentistry (DCD), Lahore.
xiii. Dental Section, Nishtar Medical College (DSNMC), Multan.
xiv. Dental Section, Punjab Medical College (DSPMC), Faisalabad.
5. Medical / Dental Institutions of the Punjab offer 5 years / 4 years courses leading to MBBS / BDS degre respectively.
6. The Clinical training and education will be imparted to the students in the attached teaching hospital(s). The Clinical Professors/Associate Professors/Assistant Professors of the colleges are also consultants to the attached teaching hospitals.
7. Admission to the Medical and Dental Institutions will be finalized by the Chairman Admission Board.
8. There is co-education in all the institutions except in Fatima Jinnah Medical College, Lahore, where only female students are admitted.
9. The University of Health Sciences (UHS) reserves the right to make any changes in the syllabi, curricula, teaching modalities and evaluation system for MBBS/BDS students of its affiliated colleges, through its statutory bodies, at any time during the course of studies.
10. Government of the Punjab has abolished the Self-Finance Seats in all Medical/Dental Institutions of the province from Session 2008-09. This will have no retrospective effect on the students already admitted against the self-finance seats in the previous years and they will have to pay their tuition fee etc., according to the rules given in the prospectus of their respective session.
11. The Government of the Punjab and Chairman Admission Board reserves the right to add or alter any rule(s) in the prospectus at any stage with the concurrence of Admission Board.