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College Library


The Library shall be under the control of the Vice Chancellor/Principal who may set up a sub- committee with a Convener for its day to day management.

The Library will be open on all working days.

Silence and order must be maintained in the library at all times. Any infringement of this rule will be punished by a fine.

Any person who loses, defaces or otherwise seriously damages books etc. shall be liable to pay the cost of the replacement and in the event of the book being one of the set or series, the cost of whole set or series, shall be paid by the person.

The following shall be entitled to use the library.

a). The staff of the university/college and allied hospitals.

b). Students of the university/college.

c). Other doctors as approved by the library committee provided: 

i). They become subscribers to the student's welfare fund by paying an annual subscription of Rs.500/-

ii). They deposit Rs.500 as security for the return of books.

iii). They agree to replace or make good any book lost or damaged to the satisfaction of the librarian by a security of Rs.500 as deposit only.

iv). A retried teacher of the medical university/college may become a member of the library by deposition of Rs.500 as security.

Books that are required for occasional reference, such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc. and books of great value or rarity shall not be removed from the library.

Books borrowed from the library are not transferable.

Books are issued strictly according to the priority of demand.

A suggestion book is kept in the library in which suggestions for new books are invited.


      Only one book will be issued for taking out from the library at a time.

     No book shall be kept by any students for more than 14 days. This privilege does not include the vacations. For each succeeding day that a book be kept there shall be a fine of one rupee but the total fine shall not exceed the price of the book. Further issue of books shall be stopped till the fine is paid and the book returned to the library.

     If the reason of non-return of book in time is beyond the control of the student and the Vice Chancellor/Principal is satisfied, he may reduce the fine.

     Textbooks prescribed by the University shall not be issued to the students.

    Every borrower will be supplied with a borrowers student card, which shall be stamped by the librarian every time a book is issued/returned. If a card is lost, a new card is to be purchased from the librarian for five rupees.

    The book card placed in the pocket at the end of the book must be delivered to the librarian before the book is taken away and the borrower must have it stamped.

     The borrower card is not transferable.

     During stock taking, which will be notified, all books taken must be returned.

     Periodicals and newspapers received for the students section are placed on the table for the use of the students and must not be taken away under any circumstances. 


1.       A time limit of 14 days for keeping books is allowed for all members other than professors and lecturers, who are engaged in teaching. Non-observance of this is liable to deprive them of the privilege of use of the library. Not more than two books will be issued for taking out at a time. Fresh books will be issued only after the return of previously issued books.

2.       2 Books required by the professor if taken out by any other member must be returned on receipt of a notice from the librarian.

3.       Borrowers other than professors and lecturers may renew books issued to them by a formal request to the librarian. The books so renewed will be liable to be recalled if required.

4.       4 The Librarian shall inform the professors and the lecturers of the receipt of all new books which shall be kept in a separate almirah for a fortnight before being issued.

5.       5 Current number of journals shall be kept in the staff reading room and left there till the next issue is received when the last issue becomes available for issuing. For issuing a journal preference will be given primarily to the department to which journal is of interest.

6.       Professors are allowed to keep a departmental library, of reference books pertaining to their subjects. But these departmental libraries are open to the members of the staff, and a book wanted by a reader shall be supplied to him by the librarian from the departmental libraries. Such reader will be directed to the departmental library of which the professor is solely responsible.

7.       Professors can issue up to 12 books at a time and the period of issue will be one month, on the expiry of which the books should be returned or got reissued.

8.       Associate professors and assistant professors can get five and three books at a time respectively and can keep them for a fortnight.

9.       Demonstrators and registrars can be issued 2 books at a time for a period of 15 days.

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  Last updated on: January, 2009

Project Incharge: Dr. Shahzad Hussain Qadri (Assistant Professor ENT)

Designed & Maintained by:   Tahir Mehmood  (Final Year MBBS. Session 2007-08)

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