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The Tutorials System


1.    The university/college students are divided into groups, every group being made up of a proportion of students from each class.

2.    The group tutors will comprise the professors and associate professors of the university/college. 

3.    A student once placed in a group will remain in that, until he/she leaves the university/college; under no circumstances shifting of a student from one group to another will be permitted.  

4.    The tutor in charge of the group will meet the respective group of students according to the schedule drawn by the Vice Chancellor/Principal . 

5.    The objective of the tutorial group meetings is to keep the staff and students in touch with one another and to promote mutual good feeling and understanding. Each tutor is to look personally into all difficulties of students in the tutorial group (individually or collectively), which may be referred to him for opinion and advice. 

6.    Any grievance which the university/college students may have with regard to the university/college life should be brought to the notice of their tutors in the first instance who will enquire into the matter and bring these to the notice of the Vice Chancellor/Principal, if necessary.





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  Last updated on: January, 2009

Project Incharge: Dr. Shahzad Hussain Qadri (Assistant Professor ENT)

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