Journal of Sheikh Zayed Medical College (JSZMC) is serving as a center for Health Research Publication in the Institute and Region, under Research & Development Support Unit, Sheikh Zayed Medical College / Hospital, Rahim Yar Khan. It was published on the advice of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saeed, the Principal of the Institute in 2010. JSZMC is a peer reviewed, scientific Journal published regularly and timely since 2010. It is recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council, Islamabad. JSZMC is also a member of Pakistan Association of Medical Editors (PAME). We follow the guidelines according to “Uniform Requirements for manuscript submitted to biomedical Journals: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)” (Updated October 2008).
JSZMC follows publication ethics policy of “Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)” guidelines for publication misconduct, which can be accessed on; http://publicationethics.org/ core-practices and http://www.wame.org/about/recommendations-on–publication-ethics-policies
Aims and Objective
- To publish original, peer-reviewed medical articles on a diverse range of medical subjects
- To provide physicians with continuing education in basic, clinical and preventive medicine to support informed decisions
- To forecast important issues and trends in medicine and health care.
- To inform the health care providers on non-clinical aspects of health, including the political, ethical, legal, environmental, economic and cultural.
- To achieve the highest level of ethical medical journalism
- To produce a timely and credible publication