Surgical Ward-I is situated in Surgical Department Sheikh Zayed Hospital/Medical College Rahim Yar Khan. It comprises of 32 male beds and 16 female beds. It also includes two high dependency beds equipped with modern monitoring tools for needy serious patients. Central Intensive Care Unit also collaborates with us when the need arises.
This department is recognized by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council for under graduate MBBS students’ clinical training.
Department of Surgery Unit-I is established, at the time of notification of establishment of Sheikh Zayed Medical college /Hospital Rahim Yar Khan by Government of Punjab on 10-03-2003. A number of trainees have passed the FCPS examination and at present we have got twelve trainees for FCPS part-II training in general surgery. Our faculty consists of properly qualified and highly experienced teaching staff more than 27 postgraduate trainees of different programmes are being trained in our Unit-I.
Surgical Unit-I is chaired by Professor Dr. Muhammad Tariq Ghafoor, FCPS, (General Surgery), MHPE. The Department is equipped with latest Laparoscopic and Endoscopic instruments and teaching aids. Moreover we have conference/demonstration rooms on the surgical floor, for the purpose of departmental conferences, demonstrations, discussions and teaching of the postgraduate and undergraduate students.
Our department is rapidly progressing and expanding with the full support of The Principal, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saleem, who takes keen interest in the improvement of the department.
Surgical units in this institution have out-patient days thrice/week. We shear emergency duties on every alternate day and alternate Sunday with our sister unit. Three operation days /week with five operating table are available to this unit. All types of major general surgical procedures including Esophageal replacement & Bronchial surgery, Peripheral Vascular Bypass Surgery, Breast, Thyroid, Parotid, Gall Bladder, Gastro-intestinal, Kidney, Ureter, Prostate, Urinary Bladder Thoracic surgery and oncological surgery etc. The laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery being performed in this unit
Date of Recognition of Department with PMDC and CPSP
General Surgical department is recognized by the College of Physician and Surgeons of Pakistan for post graduate training since 1994.
Faculty Profile
HOD from Very Beginning to Till Now
- Dr. Abdul Rasheed Ch.
- Dr. Tariq Mehmood Rehan
- Dr. Mushtaq Hussain Khan
- Dr. Tariq Mehmood Rehan
- Dr. Muhammad Tariq Ghafoor
- Students and patients are pivotal in clinical teaching. We aim to care the both. Variety of patients from various disciplines related to surgical approach admitted throughout patients department of this institution. We are dealing all kind of surgical emergencies as well as elective surgical procedures being the parent surgical ward with the other surgical allied units.
For under graduates student
- Daily case discussion
Regular rotation in Emergency department for practical learning
Practical Learning
- We have Skill lab for students practical learning headed by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tariq Ghafoor
- We have structured program for undergraduate’s student to learn on dummies.
- We have also structured program for the undergraduate’s students in operation theatre to live demonstration
Training Programs for Post-Graduates Students
Academic Activities
Journal Club:
Latest trends in different disciplines of Surgery
Post Emergency Meeting
We have regular program Post Emergency Meeting held on every Friday where we perform the group discussion & make policies for better management of patients
Case Presentation
We planned for problem based learning so we regularly case discussion on every Thursday where the house officer and post graduates participate actively & the group discussion & then we try to overcome the deficiency for their practical life.
Mortality Morbidity Meeting
We have also arranged regular monthly meeting regarding the Mortality & Morbidity of patient’s at this forum we discuss the problems, which we are we facing for patient management & get the opinion from the house for better management.
Journal club: We also hold Journal club meetings on monthly basis. Participation of all PGRs of General Surgery is mandatory. The PGRs presented different cases from different cases from different well reputed journals like; BJS, Clinics of North America, JCPSP etc.
Surgical Skills
- We arranged a well equipped surgical skills lab on surgical floor. We train our PGRs in surgical skills lab on dummies. We follow the guide lines of College of Physician & surgeons for PGR trainees. We arranged for their regular practical learning in the operation theatre where post graduates trainees are allocated cases according to the CPSP rules and their practical work is supervised by seniors, so they become a useful surgeon in the future.
We provide training to undergraduate and post graduate candidates about the proper indication and contra indication of operations preoperative preparation and operation when needed. We teach the students that operation is not the end of the game. Post operative care is important too and how to provide it properly. The traditional surgical means are the routine.
We are up-dating these operation with new surgical advances in the surgical universe as we have augmented our skill with Endoscopic surgery. Our Surgical unit is affiliated with CPSP Pakistan for post graduate training. Affiliation is continuously updated. Since its affiliation several doctors have completed their fellowships & serving the ailing humanity in the country & abroad.
General Surgical department is recognized by the College of Physician and Surgeons of Pakistan for post graduate training since 1991. A number of trainees have passed the F.C.P.S examination and at present we have got twelve trainees for FCPS part- II training in General Surgery. Our faculty members consist of highly qualified and most experienced reaching staff.
Research Projects:
Regular research projects are part of the reaching .All twelve post graduate residents are already working on different projects.
Surgical Workshops: To conduct surgical workshops regularly with the help of CPSP. Community oriented teaching and training of undergraduate students
Society of Surgeons of Pakistan, Rahim Yar Khan Chapter
Monthly Academic Session on the platform of Society of Surgeons of Pakistan, Rahim Yar Khan Chapter arranged by Surgical Unit-I. The fellows from Surgery & Allied attend this session. The fellows from Surgery & Allied present different special cases on this forum
Department of Medical Education
Department of Medical Education is headed by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tariq Ghafoor & regular workshops are arranged for the teaching staff and others.