History and Date of Establishment of Department of Pulmonology, Sheikh Zayed Medical College / Hospital, Rahim Yar Khan:
Department of Pulmonology (formerly TB & Chest Department) is part of this old & historic institute, which started as a civil hospital in 1928, upgraded to DHQ Hospital in 1952 and became a tertiary care hospital, affiliated with Sheikh Zayed Medical College, Rahim Yar Khan in March 2003.
Department of Pulmonology was established in 1974 as a complete unit under one roof comprising of a ward with bed strength of 40 (26 Male, 14 Female), pulmonology diagnostic suite, a laboratory with facility to do tests including sputum for AFB smear (TB DOTS Lab), a dedicated outpatient department and dispensary.
In 1992; Government of the Punjab sanctioned and appointed a qualified Chest Specialist to head this department. Dr. Masood Ul Haq served as first Head of Department from March 1992 to April 1996, followed by Dr. Abdus Salam Arshad from April 1996 to August 2006. With the start of Medical College, department has been upgraded as a teaching unit with sanctioned posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Senior Registrar. From August 2006, Prof. Dr. Masood Ul Haq again resumed his services as Head of Department upto September 2020, playing a pivotal role in up-gradation of department. Prof. Dr. Masood Ul Haq, served this department very well for 36 years and retired on 03-09-2020.
At present, this department is headed by Associate Professor Dr. Imran Bashir since 04-09-2020. Department of Pulmonology is providing services to an estimated population of over 06 million from 03 Provinces i.e. Punjab (Districts of Rahim Yar Khan, Bahawalpur and Rajanpur) and adjoining areas of Sindh & Baluchistan. It has modern facilities for the Diagnosis & Management of Chest Diseases.
With the untiring efforts of Associate Professor/HOD Dr. Imran Bashir, revamping of well-furnished Outdoor Patient Department (OPD) has been done, comprising of general chest OPD, TB DOTS OPD and MDR-TB OPD. Separate waiting areas for General chest patients and TB/MDR-TB patients have been allocated. Patients counselling stations have been established regarding Inhaler technique, environmental and other pulmonary disorders, TB Screening and Smoking Cessation.
Indoor Patient Department is also renovated with floor tiling, roof treatment and aluminum window. Patient beds have been upgraded to fowler beds. Central Oxygen Supply is fully functional since 2022. Air conditioners are installed in all patient’s bays as well as in procedure rooms. A complete Pulmonology Diagnostic Suite is established where many of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are being carried out with facilities of:
- PFT room, where spirometry is done after weight and height of patient via stadiometer.
- Sterilization room for sterilizing and disinfecting of equipments.
- Bronchoscopy room, where video assisted bronchoscopy with procedures like bronchial washing, BAL and endobronchial biopsy are carried out.
- Pleuroscopy room, where video assisted Pleuroscopy with procedures like pleural biopsy, pleural wash and adhesiolysis are carried out.
- Chest POCUS room, where Ultrasonography chest and Diagnostic & Therapeutic procedures like pleural tap, FNAC/Tru-cut biopsy of lung mass, short ECHO, USG abdomen, Colour Doppler and site localization for chest intubation are carried out.
- Minor O.T, where chest intubation, extubation, wound care/dressing and pleurodesis are carried out.
- Level – I PSG Lab for patients of sleep related breathing disorders. (In Progress)
With the co-operation of Radiology Department, one can have chest X-rays, Color Doppler as well as CT Chest & MRI on latest equipment. When indicated invasive procedures like USG & CT guided biopsies and aspiration are being performed by our department.
Department of Pulmonology is serving as a diagnostic & treatment center for the implementation of DOTS strategy for control of drug sensitive TB and Drug-Resistant TB. PMDT site is equipped with it’s on designated staff including MDR TB Physician, Pharmacist, Psychologist, Social Support Officer, TB Coordinator and Lab Attendant. PMDT site is giving services to DR-TB patients with appropriate diagnosis, registration, treatment and extensive follow-up. PMDT site established in 2012. Department has indoor and outdoor facility for the diagnosis and treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis through Global funding of WHO for people of Rahim Yar Khan as well as for the referred cases from all over district and adjoining areas.
Department of Pulmonology is recognized for FCPS and MCPS Pulmonology on 24-04-2010 by College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan (CPSP). Eight doctors have passed FCPS Pulmonology and five doctors have passed MCPS Pulmonology. Five of them are serving as consultant in same unit and rest in different hospitals of Sadiqabad, Khanpur, Bhakkar, Lahore, Hyderabad and Vehari. The Department is also recognized by University of Health Sciences, Lahore for MD Pulmonology on 16-02-2017. Three PGRs of FCPS Pulmonology have completed their training and will be appearing in final exam, upcoming attempt. Eight PGRs of MD Pulmonology and eight PGRs of FCPS Pulmonology are currently being trained.
In the years 2020–2021, Department of Pulmonology provided exemplary services for Covid-19 Pandemic. The unit made Covid-19 SOPs and circulated in different departments, conducted Covid-19 management training for on duty MOs, PGRs and Consultants fortnightly. The unit also conducted seminars and lectures for Covid-19 management for undergraduate students. All doctors and paramedical staff of Pulmonology Department were actively involved in stationed duties of Covid isolation. All faculty members and consultants actively participated in consultant rounds of Covid isolation and Covid ICU.
Department of Pulmonology is actively involved in research work and projects on regular basis. Twenty-five research papers have already published in different national/international journals and many more are in pipeline. Nine dissertations based on original research conducted by FCPS trainees has also been completed.
As a part of our efforts to Continued Medical Education (CMEs) for doctors and public, department is engaged in arranging workshops, seminars, symposia, online lectures, refresher courses & awareness programs on various occasions.
We are determined to further improve the services with grace of ALLAH Almighty and able guidance of our Worthy Principal, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saleem. A new project for establishment of Pulmonology Centre at Sheikh Zayed Medical College/Hospital, Rahim Yar Khan has been planned for which feasibility report (PC-II Form) submitted and is in process for its final approval. In this purposely-built building, various diagnostic, therapeutic, and academic activities will be organized more effectively. A number of new and latest equipment’s will be added along with increase in bed strength as a part of department extension in near future. Govt. of Punjab has promised to provide the manpower including the senior faculty members, which will further improve the health care to people of this area.
Department of Pulmonology is working with the aim to provide the best Diagnostic and Therapeutic services to our patients, impart excellent training to undergraduate medical students and postgraduate doctors.
May ALLAH Almighty help us.
- Department fully accredited for Training of FCPS & MCPS Pulmonology on 24-April-2010 by CPSP, Karachi.
- Department fully accredited for Training MD Program on 16-February-2017 by UHS, Lahore.
My Vision is to excel this department in every aspect of Pulmonary Medicine and to train postgraduate doctors and undergraduate students to the level of maximum height of knowledge and clinical skills so that the ailing humanity can be served with full devotion.
Associate Professor
Head Department of Pulmonology
Sheikh Zayed Medical College / Hospital
Rahim Yar Khan
1. | Dr. Masood Ul Haq | TB & Chest Specialist | 17-03-1992 to 03-04-1996 |
2. | Dr. Abdus Salam Arshad | Consultant Chest Physician | 04-04-1996 to 16-08-2006 |
3. | Dr. Masood Ul Haq | Assistant Professor | 17-08-2006 to 27-01-2014 |
4. | Dr. Masood Ul Haq | Associate Professor | 28-01-2014 to 16-12-2015 |
5. | Prof. Dr. Masood Ul Haq | Professor | 17-12-2015 to 03-09-2020 |
6. | Dr. Imran Bashir | Associate Professor | 04-09-2020 till to date. |
- New OPD has been started with improved facilities for patient’s management, dispensary and laboratory. It includes waiting area fitted with LCD TB, which display / run important health awareness messages and videos to educate the patients and attendants about various aspects of treatment and prevention of disease.
- Establishment of Indoor & Outdoor facility for programmatic Management of Drug Resistance TB (PMDT).
- Xpert XDR machine made available and currently working in TB DOTS lab.
- Pulmonary Function Tests Lab is already working with two Spirometers (Spirobank and Spirolab II). We are trying to get newer and more Sophisticated Spirometer to improve its working.
- Currently two USG machine are available in ward, of which one is portable. POCUS USG room established with facility of USG chest, echo, USG abdomen & pelvis, and doppler scan.
- Separate Bronchoscopy/ Pleuroscopies suite is functional since 2020. Thirty-four pleuroscopies have been performed up till now. Forty-five diagnostic bronchoscopies performed in last year.
- CPAP / BiPAP Machines for Noninvasive ventilation are made available in the department and are being applied on patients routinely. Multiple NIV workshops conducted within department and hospital.
- Four High Dependency beds are made available for patients, with facility of central oxygen supply, saturation and blood pressure monitoring and CPAP / BiPAP for NIV.
- Ward Library has already been established with useful books, CD collection, and journals. With the help of administration, we will try to add more books and journals.
- T Room has already been established with one modern computer & high-speed internet for teaching and research purpose.
- Department Renovation including flooring, installation of false ceilings, glass doors and windows have been done. Furniture of faculty offices, classroom, and resident duty room is also upgraded. Patient waiting area is updated with new benches and installation of bracket fans. Manual fowler movable beds and Air Conditioners are made available in all bays of ward. Water Dispensers also installed in Ward and OPD.
- Imran Bashir has been promoted to Associate Professor of Pulmonology on Regular Basis on 04 Apr, 2024.
- The Contract of Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan & Dr. Abdul Salam has been Regularized as Assistant Professor of Pulmonology in 2024.
- Imran Bashir and Dr. Hafiza Shafia Naz have completed 03 Months Course on “Certificate of Clinical Research” in 2024
- Complete Pulmonology OPD Revamping is done in 2024.
- Our 02 Pulmonology PGRs Dr. M. Siddique Akbar and Dr. Ayesha Tabassum have got success in Pulmonology Champion League Multan.
- Quaid – E – Azam Gold Medal is Awarded to Dr. Imran Bashir on Dec 2023 by Istehkam E Pakistan Foundation, Lahore Board of Governance.
- Imran Bashir, Associate Professor is approved as supervisor and examiner for training of MD, FCPS and MCPS in the subject of Pulmonology.
- Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan, Assistant Professor is approved as supervisor for training of MD, FCPS and MCPS in the subject of Pulmonology.
- Eight doctors have passed FCPS in Pulmonology.
- Five doctors have passed MCPS in Pulmonology.
- Three PGRs of FCPS Pulmonology have completed their training and will be appearing in final exam, upcoming attempt.
- Ghafoor MB, Sarwar F, Bashir I, Shafia Naz H, Ahmad S, Saleem Leghari M, Bilal M. Evaluation of Pulmonary Dysfunctions in Iron Overloaded Beta Thalassaemia Children: A Study at Teaching Hospital of Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan. Ann Pak Inst Med Sci. 2024.
- Ahmed S, Naz HS, Nazir Mohtamam, Irfan A, Apwmo RD, Rasheed F Clinical Outcomes of Thoracoscopic Segmentectomy versus Open Thoracotomy: A Cross-Sectional Comparative Study. Pak J Med Dent. 2024.
- Rizwan HM, Atif MA, Hussain M, Nazeer R. Efficacy and safety profile of 2nd line Anti TB drugs in DRTB patients in a tertiary care hospital of South Punjab. Pak J Med Sci. 2024.
- Solangi FA, Kumar A, Khan IA, Salam A, Uzair S, Shahid M. A Study Of Risk Factors Causing Complicated Pleural Effusion In Cases Of Community Acquired Pneumonia. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. 2023.
- Shahid M, Uzair S, Salam A, Khan IA, Kumar A, Solangi FA. Assessing Prevalence of Osteoporosis and Identifying Risk Factors in Interstitial Lung Disease Patients. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. Mar 2023.
- Ahmad M. Iqbal A. Bashir I. Naeem O.M. Arshad U. Kiran M. Incidence of pneumothorax in cases with ARDS requiring peep > 10 mmhg. Biological and Clinical Sciences Research Journal 2023.
- Samina Waseem, Anfal Hamza, Muhammad Waqas, Sana Tufail, Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan, Zulifqar Ali, Awareness of Tuberculosis among the undergraduates of Southern Punjab. Journal of Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women. 2023.
- Tocilizumab in severe covid-19 – a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Infectious medicine 1 (2022) 88–94 volume 1, issue 2, june 2022.
- COPD and Smog Seminar conducted by Pulmonology Department on 16/11/2024.
- Synopsis and article writing workshop conducted in Pulmonology Department held on Nov 2024.
- Atrificial Intelligence Workshop conducted by Dr. Imran Bashir held on 12 Nov, 2024.
- Pulmonology Faculty Participation as Coordinators and Judges of Literary Week 2024, Sheikh Zayed Medical College, Rahim Yar Khan.
- AAFP workshop on Asthma Management Delivered by Dr. Imran Bashir and Dr. Hafiza Shafia Naz on Oct 2024.
- CME in collaboration with Aga Khan University, Karachi on “Respiratory Tract Infections” held on 02 Oct, 2024.
- Workshop on “HMIS System” held on 25 Sep, 2024.
- Walk on “World Lung Day 2024” held on 25 Sep, 2024.
- Poster presentation done by Dr. Ahmad Zaki 30 Aug, 2024.
- Seminar on “Covid and Influenza 2024” held on 05 Jan, 2024.
- Workshop on “ACLS by Anesthesia” held on 27 Jan, 2024.
- Workshop on “ACLS by Anesthesia” held on 23 Jan, 2024.
- Quiz Competition held on Jan 2024.
- Pulmonology Champion League at Nishtar Hospital, Multan held on 14 Feb, 2024.
- Latest COPD and Asthma Guideline Distribution to PGRs held on Feb 2024.
- Wald and Seminar on World TB Day held on 25 Mar, 2024
- Pulmonology Faculty and PGRs participation in Chestcon at Islamabad held on 22 Apr, 2024
- Seminar and Walk on World Asthma Day held on 07 May 2024.
- Updated Gina Guideline Lecture by Dr. Hafiza Shafia Naz at Desert Palm held on 07 May, 2024.
- Clinical Cases Competition Day 20 May, 2024
- Round Table Discussion on Inhaled Medication in Asthma 24 July, 2024.
- Round Table Discussion on COPD 26 June, 2024
- Lecture on CAP by Dr. Hafiz M. Rizwan held on 02 Aug, 2024
- Round Table Discussion on Injectable Antibiotics held on 28 Aug, 2024.
- TB Quarterly Meeting 2024.
- Quaid – E – Azam Gold Medal is Awarded to Dr. Imran Bashir on Dec 2023 by Istehkam E Pakistan Foundation, Lahore Board of Governance.
- Extension of bed strength to accommodate patients is planned in near future.
- Purpose built Sleep Study Facility (PSG Lab) for the diagnosis of sleep related breathing disorders is in plan and will be function soon.
- Establishment of new Pulmonology Centre for which feasibility report submitted and in process for final approval.
- Establishment of separate Pulmonology Intensive Care Unit with the facility of mechanical ventilation is planned.
- In this purposely-built building, Various Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Academic activities can be organized appropriately.
- Request for Negative Suction for Pleural Diseases is submitted and is in process.
Department of Pulmonology is working with the aim to provide best Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services to our patients, impart excellent training to undergraduate medical students and postgraduate doctors.